
Hello, I am Dana Freitas, aspiring web developer. I am currently in school and that is where I discovered how fascinating it is. Web development is the fusion of art and science, a perfect result of the combination of each, for which is why I study it with curiosity and passion.

I am interested in learning a wide variety of techniques and tools to learn this craft. My ultimate goal is to obtain employment, of this website as evidence. I practice programming in my spare time, along with learning Spanish and writing fiction.


html symbol
css symbol
javascript symbol
git symbol
photoshop symbol
sql symbol


Picture of the collatz conjecture website

The collatz conjecture is a mathematical conjecture that has not been solved yet. It is notable for being easy to understand for the average person. If you take an odd whole integer, figure 3x+1. If it is even, x/2. Repeat these steps, and eventually, you will reach the pattern of 4, 2, 1, 4. The issue is whether there is an exception to this pattern or not? With this website: you can input your own numbers and see if you can discover an exception.

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Picture of the MExican restaurant website

This is a Mexican Restaurant full of declicious foods from one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

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Picture of the Mozart website

Mozart is one of the greatest figures in musical history. This website is dedicated to preserving his memory.

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